
entri kali ini agak panjang ye..semalam first patient aku berjaya dah cabut gg nye..yeah.hehe.but dats not the things i wanna story about ok..later la..
last saturday,asma cakap ade meeting at annapoorna hall, ade org from MOH ( Ministry of health) datang visit us here. TanSri Ismail Merican...well,welcome Tansri...time kaseh sudi dtg melawat kami kat sini ye...lame gak nk tggu tansri ni sampai kat hall tuh,hmm dimulakan dgn lagu negaraku..aku xtau lah nape sejak aku duk india neh,bile aku dgr lagu negaraku je,mesti ade rase sebak semacam je..duh,dah nape aku neh..adekah sbb aku dah lame xnyanyi negaraku atau aku homesick sebenarnye.hohoho...
Tansri berucap sepatah dua kate*not really,u kno dat rite* hmmm awl nye,he said...he was grateful to come here...it really different from msia,he shud come here earlier...well at first i thought he simply nak amik hati..iyalah da ade sume org besar2 pon dtg sambut diye kan...but,dont tell me i meant dat?? gosh,yeah..he totally meant dat... i keep on wondering..pe yang beliau nampak sampai ckp tempat ni bgos sgt..good facilities,,n we shud be grateful to study here...i think i kno why... yep exactly as i thought..the management ppl show him the PIDC classroom n lab n etc...damn it,typical programme they will arrange by showing da vvip da nice-side of pidc instead of dental college..
then,he talk again...n this time his speech,which actually make me realized how lucky m i to be here...in VMU salem...he did say we shud learn as much as we can from those excellent lec..mmg xdinafikan..mereka sume terbaik..tansri kate..
malaysia lack of dentist..learn from them..be a good as well as skillful dentist.then serve to our community..jgn jadi dentist yang harapkan duit semate..jadilah dentist yg disayangi pesakitnya..work with caring and compassionate.. show your respect to ur own patient.if u wanna be respect by them..u shud do ur part well..jadilah dentist yang bile mereka pergi hypermarket..they will tell ppl.."hey go to that dentist..he did nicely.." and it will get spread to da entire ppl in hypermarket instead of being like this..." hey dont go to him..he screwed up..not even layak to call as a dentist"..pilih lah yang mane...
bile pikir2 balik...not all about india n to be specific my college was that bad..naa.ppl do complaint..yeah..so do i...but da positive way is...we learnt so many things here..be a tough human being inside n outside..at first when i came here,i was totally freaking out with these environment..i kept on thinking.how do i survive here..how m gonna stdy here..but now..almostt 3months n half i've been here.. mybe we complain so many things n keep saying dat if we r there n there...things not gona be like this,maybe di indon much better.mybe in uk lagi best...
but hey come on la...xsemua pon senang mcm yg kite same2 pikirkan..setiap tempat ade masalah diye sndri..u kno wat,one of my friend in indon actually said dat u guys untung lah ade kt india..xmcm cni..ssh.. dats da things..thing wont work unless u try to make it work.. bile aku pikir lagi..adeke org kat msia yg sudi dirinye di treat oleh 3rd year student? final year studnt? sdgkan kalo klinik kerajaan tuh,intern buat pon diorg dah pndang serong.apetah lagi 3rd year nak buat? i heard from someone, there were really hard for them to get patient to treat..do they really did RCT there? do they really did so many extraction there? how about removal partial denture? compelete denture? i dont kno. frankly speaking...if u..do u really willing the 3rd year or even final year stdnt do da treatment for u? or mybe dats ok for da learning sake?? do u??i dont think so..
i did learnt so many things..i remembered Dr.Vidya,my prostho lec..she hardly came to college,once she came we really like in da tiger cage..scared like hell..she liked to scold us..even a small things.but whatever she said i kno it were all for our sake.keje aku penah kene patah dpn mate diye..she juz said," i told u diz is wrong" only dat? pe lah slhnye kalo diye jgn pthkan dpn mate aku..penat aku buat...ckp elok2 ke.. tp mayb diye tau..nanti aku bkn wat blik..juz alter bnde yg dah sememangnye slh tu..aku menangis..tp pastu smpi situ je.then i tried it again..kalo nak cite cth2 lain byklah kan.xtercite kot...
ok proceed bout TANSRI tadi...hmmm then he asked whether we got any problem or not..hell yeah.sape xde problem kan..sorg2 bangun..talk about lack of facilities..no class...college stuff...electricity..hostel stuff.. n bla3..n sume nye aku akui betol..da things is..sume tuh da lapok..dari aku 1st year..kami mmg xpnh jemu ngadu pada sesape yg dtg.but nothing change lah...ok actually dental college dah berubah cket lah.. ade junior ckp medical college was da hell much better than dental college...
korg tau x,bile medical college tuh berubah jadi cntik..bknnye cantik sejak azali lagi..bknnye 3th lpas.bkn 2thn lpas..sethun lepas juge tidak..baru tahun ni adik2ku sayang...dulu mase aku mule2 dtg..aku rase medical college tu mmg serupa RUMAH HANTU...dental college 5x ganda lagi baik...argh.indian politic..who knos..sekarang dental college nampak mcm rumah zombie kalo compare dgn medical..tapi adik2..pernah kamu masuk department ODS, ORAL MEDICINE, PROSTHO dulu2 kala??? hahaha..lawak2..kalo nak tau..dulu lebih3 dan lebih teruk dari sekarang..come on la..give space n time to them..diorg bknnye komputer robot ke machine sehari boleh dapat cantik sepenohnye..sini bknnye msia yg penuh tenaga indon dan jentera2 hebat..sini ialah india.. hanya berbekalkan tenaga anak2 bawah umur dan makcik2 tua yg aku leh anggap macam nenek tuh..bile aku tgh posting oral med,aku terperanjat...aku ingatkan patient rupenye pekerja yg baik pulih department..sebak hati aku...bdk2 kecik..pe lah yg diorg leh buat..mase utk belajar abes buat keje buruh...dan aku nk tegaskan sekali lagi...dental college pon tgh membangun...hmm aku xtau nape aku mcm backing gile2 college..padahal aku pon kutuk2 gak dlu..hmm maybe dah wujud syg pada college kah? mane x nye...almost 4years..phit manis..susah sng aku kat sini...
hmmm bile ade juniors mengadu pada Tansri...lec tu marah2..even letak tgn dalam poket labcoat..dik syg... itu semua xperlu lah mengadu pada tansri dik..kita kan dah besar..handle sendiri sudahlah kan..
fyi,dah memang culture sini dik..letak tgn dlm poket labcoat tu kurg respect lah..yela buat dpn diorg kan dik..xtaukan..so ni akak nak bgtau ye..hmm bukan itu je dik.byk lagi.banyak sgt bende bodoh yg diorg xbape gemar..kalo dulu aku rase bace name utk attendance satu2,berdiri bile lec lalu..berdiri kalo lec masuk kelas..xleh msuk lambat2 mcm kt msia...sume tu mcm bullshitttt...tapi itulah cara mereka nak didik kite supaya respek org yg memberi ilmu pada kite..ape salahnye kan...tapi sekarang sume tu aku dah biase.. kamu baru 2 bulan..belum layak nk judge india dik...
nak tau x?? one of my seniors...senyum..pon kene marah...YOUR SMILING IS ANNOYING!! bkn itu saje, kdg2 xsenyum pon dlm class..lec boleh ckp..WHY R U SMILING??? damn~ xde snyum pon?? hai pelik2.. ade sekali tuh...aku kene marah sbb xsiapkan keje..and xdtg posting..bkn aku sengaje..aku g class trip yg lec tu pon g..diye tau aku g..tapi still diye mrh2 aku..cett.mg aku bngang.bile pk2 blik..biarlah bg chance diye mrh aku..t xdpt tunjuk kuase pulak...
oral surgery posting..ade politic best gak..ade lec suh take up case.ade plak yg suh wat assgment n viva baru take up case..so yg jadi mangse student lah kan..so bile satu hari tu amik case sbb LEC A suh,esoknye kene mrh ngn LEC B plak..bile kite sebut LEC A yg suh..LEC B plak cakap dont blame LEC A,it was your mistake...slh sape?? kami juge..terime je lah kan...
bg aku lah..asal diorg xsuke jgn buat..solve matters kan..kdg2 diorg mrh2..dulu yelah menjawab.lame2 aku dah naik malas..bukannye nk tunjuk dumb ke pe..tapi aku rase better diam jelah..nanti jawab kate kurg ajar kan..hmm rasenye bukan india semate...tempat lain pon same kan..malaysia juge.. kat malaysia lagilah.. bayangkan kene marah dgn lec dpn patient... BODOH KAU!!! dengan STUPID YOU!!!! mane sound nice?? hoho..ala,kdg2 diorg mrh bknnye pe..kite buat bende salahkan..nk tunjukkan level marah jadilah cmtu.. aku dah mcm lali kene marah..dah pekak kot telinge.haha..tapi actually we leant something from dat..
adik2 kamu belum jumpe MDS staff lagi tau.. so grow up dear... kite ade kat sini ke jadi tough emotionally ok..nk jadi dentist xboleh lembik..papepon..diorg sume lah yg byk berjase pada kite..aite??
once i heard~ u can't change india...but u can adapt it...trust me...
p/s: i did resisting india..but once i gave in..things become much better...
10 si gojes suke membebel:
YA ALLAH panjang yer betol2 panjang eh! aku igt kasih syg aku pada ko dpt memberi aku sokongan untuk terus membaca sehingga ke noktah terakhir
nyata cinta kita tak setahan itu! huhuhu
ekleh asal ko panjang2 beb!
tapi aku ada sikit juga paham~
kalau aku takut lah nak study kat india mcm pelik sgt2 je!! time malam lagi lah pelik! mcm ada je memeprhatikan kita
rasa tak selamat!!! BINCANGKAN..
macam 2 ke kolej dia...
mcm ne lah awak leh survive..sy yg kat uitm yg punya banyak kemudahan sumtimes pon selalu mengomel....
neway good luck yea...
kesian..sungguh serius! harap u olss dapat belajar dgn tabah disana..cpt grad dan polang!
berenang2 ke hulu, berenang2 ke tepian, bersakit2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian...
time study mmg payah dik... bila dh genggam ijazah.. n kuar jd doktor gigi.. akak la yg paling jeles dgn kamu... sbb gaji kamu besar!!!
to boneka xsakit~
heh,kaseh syg masih xckop utk..cet,naseb baik ko phm.. pe kate ko try dtg india,haha..nk gak tgk ko survive kat sini..
to farazila~
farah!! mmg penuh cabaran kat sini.. awl2 dtg dlu lagilah..dah la homesick..tp..hmm name pon org sponsor..tabahkan je lah..tq fara.u 2 gudluck.
to eza2odette~
huhu..tq2.itulah asek countdown je bile nk blik msia neh..xsbr mau pulang ke kg halaman...
to sis syima~
huhu,baik kak..tgh tabahkn diri kat sini..ari tu bngang cket la ngn junior yg baru 2bln da mcm2 nk kmplen..heh,lmbat lagi mau keje kak.. mase tu akak da byk kot kumpul duit.huhu
best!hurmm..ade yg part sebak time nyanyi lagu negaraku tu( i'm not sure is it in this entry or not)...mmg btol.sya pon trase gak kat seberang ni..sebak sgt rasenye..yg psl kna marah itu ini n hal yg remeh mmg kna biasakan bile culture da lain kan..xpe, itu mengajar kite utk lebih respect dan maenjadi dentist yg direspect.
to syasya~
hmm tu la..dah bape kali intan pasan..bile lagu negaraku main je.mesti la ade sebak cket..huhu.. syasya kat mane? itulah,mule2 ngadu gak kat mak.mak pon ckp..kat mane bumi dipijak situ langit dijunjung..huhu..nk belajar mcm tu lah..bkn sng nk sng.insyAllah..tq sya~
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